
Monday, May 27, 2013

Mango Coconut Chia Pudding

Chia pudding has a sort of tapioca texture.The little tiny chia seeds when soaked in liquid expand to more than 4 times their size! They don't really have much of a taste, the texture is similar to passion fruit if you've ever eaten one.

The big question though - are chia seeds paleo/primal? I looked to Mark's Daily Apple for the answer. Here is what he had to say:
"Even though I've written about chia seeds already on two separate occasions, people keep asking me about them. They’re high in plant omega-3, ALA, which, according to most evidence, we humans are not great at converting into EPA and DHA, the long chain omega-3s that our bodies truly require. However, I’d like to add a couple new thoughts to the subject: 
There’s some recent evidence that moderately-longish term chia seed supplementation (7 weeks long) can actually increase plasma ALA and EPA levels in postmenopausal women. That ALA increased isn’t a surprise, since ALA is the predominant fat in chia, but the 30% EPA increase was a bit of a shock. Perhaps the conversion rate can be higher (although DHA levels slightly decreased). It’s worth noting that these were milled chia seeds, which are easier to digest (and, presumably, absorb the nutrients within) than whole seeds. That could have had a measurable impact. 
I’ve been down on fiber in the past. Still am, in fact, provided you’re talking about insoluble, bowel-rending, toilet-bowl-filling fiber. But soluble fiber? Fiber that feeds the gut flora? Fiber that actually promotes gut health? Fiber that gets fermented into short chain fatty acids with a host of health benefits? I’m okay with that kind of fiber, and chia seeds have plenty of it. However, since soluble fiber is “active” in your gut, it can cause gastrointestinal distress, especially if you aren’t used to eating plant matter rich in the stuff. 
Verdict: Primal, but be wary of any superfood claims (unless they’re talking about liver and pastured egg yolks), closely monitor your fiber tolerance, and don’t rely on them for your omega-3s."
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk
3/4 cup fresh ripe mango, diced
2 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp unsweetened shredded coconut
1 tsp honey

Combine all ingredients in a large container. Mix well and close container. Refrigerate overnight or at least 5-6 hours.

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